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Collection of Books (17th-19th Century)

Collection of Books (17th-19th Century)Collection of Books (17th-19th Century)

Hammer Price w/ BP


Lot #: 61A
Collection of Books (17th-19th Century)
Including: Archaeologia: Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity, Vol. I; Published by: The Society of Antiquaries of London; MDCCLXX. Archaeologia: Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity, Vol. II; Published by: The Society of Antiquaries of London; MDCCLXXIII. Textus Roffensis; Editor: Tho. Hearnius; M.DCC.XX. Antiquities of Ancient Britain by Atlett Sammes; MDCLXXVI. Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thesarus Grammatico-Criticus et Archaeologicus, Volumes 1 & 2 By Georgio Hickesio, STP; MDCCV. Antiquae Literature Septentrionalis Libriduo By Georgii Hickefu, STP, Andreae Fountaine and Humfredi Wanleii; MDCCV. Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, Volumes 1 & 2 By Edvardo Lye, AM; M.DCC.LXXII. The History of the Anglo-Saxons, Volumes 1-4; by Sharon Turner, FAS; 1805. Jul. Caesaris Portus Iccius; MDCXCIV. Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum; MDCCI. Anglo-Saxonicum, Lexico Gul. Somneri by E. Theatro Sheldoniano; M.DCC.I. The Anglo-Saxon Verfion, from the Historian Orosius By Alfred the Great; MDCCLXXIII. A Perambulation of Kent by Edm. Bollifant; 1596. Antonini Iter Britanniarum by Thom Gale, STP; MDCCIX. An English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory byEliz. Elstob; MDCCIX. Divers Ancient Monvents in the Saxon Tongue; Published by: William Liser of Wilburgham; 1638. A Restitvtion of Decayed Intelligence by Robert Bruney; 1605. The Gospels of the fower Euangeliftes Printed by Iohn Daye; 1571. Leges Anglo-Saxonicae Ecclefiafticae & Civiles by David Wilkins, STP; MD
From the Rowland L. Collins Collection, Department of English Chair, University of Rochester.
Auction Date
May 19, 2017

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